As a lifelong Kansan, a 16 year resident of District 93, and a 2-term member of the Clearwater City Council, I have witnessed the region’s successes and failures. However, we all share common values on the major issues.

Medicaid Expansion

Medicaid expansion in Kansas is crucial as it extends health coverage to a larger portion of the population, particularly low-income adults who fall into a coverage gap. This expansion can improve health outcomes by providing access to necessary medical care, preventative services, and chronic disease management. Additionally, it can alleviate financial stress on hospitals and clinics by reducing uncompensated care costs, which can otherwise lead to closures, particularly in rural areas. Expanding Medicaid also stimulates the state’s economy by drawing in federal funds and creating jobs in the healthcare sector. Overall, Medicaid expansion supports a healthier population and a stronger healthcare infrastructure in Kansas.

Reproductive Healthcare

Reproductive healthcare in Kansas is essential not only for the well-being of women but also for the health and stability of families and communities. Access to services such as prenatal care, cancer screenings, and contraception helps ensure that women can plan and support their families effectively, leading to stronger family units and economic stability. By preventing unintended pregnancies and addressing health issues early, reproductive healthcare reduces the burden on social services and taxpayers. Moreover, supporting reproductive healthcare aligns with values of personal responsibility and family planning, allowing individuals to make informed decisions that benefit their families and society at large.


Public education is vital, especially in rural areas, as it ensures all children, regardless of socioeconomic status, have access to quality education. Public schools are often the only educational institution in these communities, providing essential services that private schools might aren’t available to offer. They foster a sense of community and inclusivity, bringing together children from diverse backgrounds and ensuring equal opportunities for learning and growth. Public education also supports local economies by employing community members and using local resources, which helps to sustain rural areas. Moreover, it upholds the principle that education is a public good, essential for a well-informed and engaged citizenry. Education is our investment in the future. 

Last updated by: Justin Shore on June 30, 2024